International Labour Conference
Press accreditation for the 112th International Labour Conference
The ILO will hold its annual International Labour Conference at the Palais des Nations in Geneva from 3–14 June 2024.
9 May 2024
GENEVA (ILO News) – The International Labour Organization (ILO) will hold its annual International Labour Conference (ILC) at the Palais des Nations in Geneva from 3–14 June 2024.
Worker, employer and government delegates from the ILO's 187 Member States will tackle a wide range of issues that have a long-term impact on the world of work, including:
- A plenary discussion of the report of the Chairperson of the Governing Body and of the thematic report of the Director-General, entitled Renewing the Social Contract.
- A special plenary sitting to discuss the appendix to the report of the Director-General on The situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories (as per the decision adopted by the Governing Body at its 350th Session (March 2024)).
- A discussion on protection against biological hazards (first discussion out of the two foreseen in the ILO’s standard-setting procedure) which could lead to the adoption of an international labour standard on the subject at next year’s ILC.
- A discussion on the strategic objective of fundamental principles and rights at work (recurrent discussion procedure).
- A discussion on decent work and the care economy (general discussion procedure).
Further technical committees will examine information on the programme and budget; information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations; as well as the foreseen abrogation of four international labour Conventions. The Office prepares a number of reports under each agenda item which generally serve as the basis for the discussions. Most reports for the Conference have been posted on the Conference website.
As per its usual practice the Conference will hold a lunchtime event to mark the World Day against Child Labour, on Wednesday, 12 June. This year’s event will be held under the theme, "Let's act on our commitments: End Child Labour”. It will celebrate the 25 years since the adoption of Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182), as well as provide an opportunity for the tripartite constituents to discuss advances and challenges in relation to the elimination of child labour.
Furthermore, the Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice will be held on Thursday, 13 June. This event will provide a space for Coalition partners to discuss thematic issues related to social justice as well as the challenges, opportunities and potential solutions in respect of advancing the Coalition’s objectives. It will also allow Coalition partners to exchange knowledge, tools and experiences, and to showcase activities and initiatives undertaken or envisaged in support of social justice. The event will feature a high-level segment, thematic working sessions and an engagement zone.
Details concerning the ILC’s full agenda and programme of work for both the plenary and the technical committees will be published on the ILC website as they become available. Furthermore, members of the press will also find many useful details in the Conference guide which will be published on the Conference website before 16 May.
Please note that press access to the Committee on the Application of Standards will only be authorised if accompanied by a member of the ILO Department of Communication.
For Geneva-based journalists accredited to the UN
Geneva-based journalists already accredited to the UN will be able to access the press galleries of meetings that are open to the press using their UNOG badges. Those with photo or video equipment should inform the ILO News Unit in advance: ( or +4122/799-7912), specifying the time and date they wish to enter. Please note that for security reasons, filming on the plenary floor is limited and requires a staff member from the Department of Communication (DCOMM) to be present.
To access the ILO building UNOG-accredited journalists should inform the ILO News Unit in DCOMM ahead of their visit: ( or +4122/799-7912).
For journalists not accredited to the UN
To obtain accreditation for the conference journalists should complete the accreditation form and send it, with all the information and documents requested, to, using the subject line ‘ILC press accreditation’.
Journalists who may require assistance from the ILO to facilitate entry visas for Switzerland should send a request by e-mail to, using the subject line ‘VISA & ILC’, along with the exact dates of the intended visit, a copy of a valid passport, a copy of a valid professional press card and a letter of assignment from the Editor-in-Chief of the media outlet concerned.
Press badges will be available for collection from the ILO accreditation desk at ILO HQ, on presentation of a valid passport, a valid professional press card and a letter of assignment from the Editor-in-Chief of the media concerned.
Further details on the location and opening hours of the accreditation desk will be made available in due course.
Journalists wishing to bring in photo or video equipment into the Palais des Nations or the ILO should inform the ILO News Unit in DCOMM in advance ( or +4122/799-7912) and be prepared to pass through a security check point at the Palais des Nations with their equipment.
More information for journalists will be published ahead of the opening of the Conference.
For more information please contact